

  • To cater for pupils' learning diversity and enhance their motivation and confidence in learning English by optimizing the teaching and learning of the school-based curriculum.
  • To provide a balanced and diverse English language education and foster pupils' positive attitude towards language learning.
  • To help pupils build a solid foundation of English and develop effective communication of knowledge, ideas, values, attitudes and experience by teaching them various self-learning strategies and promoting reading at school.

Our Curriculum

  • The Space Town Literacy Programme for KS1 (Space Town) in P.1–P.3
  • EDB Language Learning Support Service in P.4
  • School-based multi-modal writing programme in P.4-5

Teachers' Professional Development

  • The Space Town Literacy Programme teaching workshops
  • Values Education: Stories — A Gateway to Social and Emotional Learning in the Primary English Classroom
  • To Infinity and Beyond - Nurturing Creativity in the English Classroom
  • Assessment Literacy and Inclusion: Incorporating Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Principles in the English Classroom

Subject Activities

  • English Tuesdays
  • English Fun Day
  • English Ambassador Scheme
  • Lunch Broadcast & Campus TV
  • English Drama Team
  • Hong Kong School Drama Festival
  • Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival
  • Other Inter-school Competitions