
Programme Title Learning Objectives
Where’s My Name?
  • Learn about the letters of the alphabet
  • Greet others and respond to greetings
Adam’s Family
  • Introduce oneself and members of the family
  • Talk about simple daily habits
The Magic Rug
  • Ask about and identify different colours and shapes
What’s the Time?
  • Ask about and tell the time
  • Make a list of daily activities
I Love My Body
  • Identify and describe parts of the body
  • Talk about simple daily habits
Ten Little Rabbits
  • Identify simple objects and describe their sizes and shapes
  • Talk about quantities
  • Make simple requests
What’s the Magic Word?
  • Express and respond to thanks
  • Make simple requests
  • Talk about personal possessions
New Snow White
  • Ask and talk about numbers
  • Ask a person’s name and make simple inquiries
  • Greet people and respond to inquiries
Thank you, Hat Monster
  • Talk about personal possessions
  • Talk about simple daily habits
  • Make greetings and respond to greetings
Tootie is Hungry
  • Talk about different kinds of food e.g., bread, milk, etc.
  • Ask and answer simple questions
  • Express thanks
Where’s the Frog?
  • Identify common animals found in Hong Kong
  • Talk about locations
  • Ask and describe what food animals eat
  • Develop an awareness of the protection of environment
Friends in the Park
  • Talk about places like the park
  • Greet others and respond to greetings
  • Introduce oneself
  • Give a simple description of oneself and others in terms of name, members of the family, etc.
Let's Eat Together
  • Identify simple food items
  • Ask and describe what people are doing
  • State opinions and express feelings
Aunt Crystal's Bookshop:
We Can All Cook
  • The chef from the pizza shop nexts to Aunt Crystal's bookshop has lost all his recipes. Aunt Crystql lends him a helping hand by showing him some of the recipes in the cookbooks available in her shop. She also explains how books are classified into fiction and non-fiction. She reads a story about a little red hen that is baking bread.
Meow, Meow, Quack
  • Identify common animals such as snake, monkey and dolphin
  • Identify the sounds some animals and objects make such as woof, woof, meow, meow, beep, beep, swish, and swish
  • Say and write the words that imitate the sounds, e.g., moo, woof, bump, swish
English in Action: How Do You Feel Today?
  • This is a TV programme hosted by kids and for kids.
  • The presenters are taking the audience to a wonderful journey of the English Language in songs, tales and rhymes. This episode is about feelings and how we express our feelings in different ways.
The Little Toy Soldier
  • Ask a person’s name and make other simple inquiries
  • Express concern and sympathy like ‘I feel sorry for you.’, ‘It can sail him home, I hope.’
  • State opinions and express feelings, e.g., ‘You’re so brave.’, ‘They look very nice.’, etc.
  • Talk about locations such as ‘in the street’, ‘in a drain’, ‘on a boat’, etc.
Brian and His Bike Series: My School
  • Walking past a school and seeing the pupils having a great time in the playground, Ted the Teddy Bear expresses his desire to go to school and be a pupil there. Billy the Bike stresses that there is not a school for teddy bears. One day, Brian needs to go to Greenwell School to fix the lights. Ted can’t wait to go to the school together with Brian. When he is inside the school, he is so excited that he goes around everywhere. What does he see in school? What adventures does he have there?
Brian and His Bike Series: My Body
  • Billy the Bike feels upset that he has not got a pair of hands. He is jealous of Ted the Teddy Bear who can always have fun with Brian when they catch bubbles and play ball games together. He therefore asks Brian to make him a pair of hands. Brian is concerned about Billy and decides to think of ways to teach Billy to accept himself and feel good about himself.
Aunt Crystal's Bookshop:
A New Shop
  • Aunt Crystal's bookshop is open soon. Books need to be stacked on shelves and arranged accordingly. However the removal men have placed the books in a mess. Aunt Crystal makes use of this oportunity to teach the audiences how to arrange the books according to authors and topics. She also reads a story to the children, too. This is a new reading series on reading strategies.
Aunt Crystal's Bookshop:
Going on a Holiday
  • Aunt Crystal is going on a holiday. She has to plan for her itinerary and pack before she leaves. Cheetah, her pet cat, thinks that he can enjoy the holidays with Aunt Crystal, too. To his disappointment, Aunt Crystal thinks otherwise. Will Cheetah go on a holiday with Aunt Crystal, too? This programme introduces travel books and stories from different countries.