
Programme Title Learning Objectives
Chinese Festivals
  • Learn about the names and the vocabulary related to two Chinese festivals
  • Develop understanding of the Chinese culture
  • Make simple comparisons of various kinds
Presents for My Family
  • Make a description of some simple objects
  • Describe simple processes and situations
International Food Festival
  • Learn about the names of international cuisines
  • Develop an understanding and awareness of different cultures
  • Describe simple processes
The Silent Whistle Part 1
  • Identify sound patterns in English Language
  • Identify and develop awareness of the letter sound, l
The Silent Whistle Part 2
  • Identify sound patterns in English Language
  • Identify and develop awareness of the letter sound, d
Circus of Music
  • Develop an interest in music
  • Learn about and describe simple musical instruments
Don’t Forget the Souvenir
  • Make simple suggestions
  • Give simple instructions
  • Ask for and give explanations
  • Talk about some souvenirs bought in Hong Kong
Animals Big and Small
  • Describe simple processes and situations
  • Express basic needs and wants
  • Develop an awareness of the care and protection of animals
The Sunday Smile
  • An ETV programme to introduce the radio programme, The Sunday Smile, which is specially produced for primary school pupils and parents to promote the learning of English through a radio programme.
Old House Days
  • This programme widens students' range of vocabulary by highlighting the use of the prefix, 're', the suffix, '-less', and compound words. It also introduces some historical buildings that have been revitalised for a new purpose.
Eat, Play and Write in Hong Kong
  • On their first visit to Hong Kong, Seth and Daniel have a taste of some of the traditional local flavours and write a tourist guide describing and comparing some of their special adventures.
The Amazing Word Race
  • This programme introduces to students some of the famous scenic spots in Hong Kong and the use of affixes to widen students' range of vocabulary
Body Idioms
  • Learn about the idioms connected with facial and body parts such as eyebrows, hands and ears, etc.
  • Ask for and give explanations of the hidden meanings of the idioms, e.g., keep your ear to the ground, be all eyes and ears, etc. Draw others’ attention to people, things and situations, and describe them briefly such as walls have ears, have your nose in the air, etc.
Cake and Pie Idioms
  • Ask for and give explanations of the hidden meanings of some cake and pie idioms
  • Draw others’ attention to people and things, and describe them with idioms, e.g., “The tickets are selling like hot cakes.”, “Learning to cook is a piece of cake.”, etc.
Cooking with Idioms
  • Ask for and give explanations of the hidden meanings of some food idioms
  • Draw others’ attention to people and things, and describe them with idioms, e.g., This little boy is the apple of his father’s eye. Describe simple processes, situations and conditions in making a salad by using sentences like wash the potatoes, boil the eggs, cut the apples, etc.
  • Alex and Chris go to the Fireboat Alexander Grantham Exhibition Gallery one day. They find the retired fireboat Alexander Grantham. They can see each and every part of the fireboat. Knowing that the Alexander Grantham was replaced by the Elite in 2002, they also board the Elite to find the special equipment the firemen use for fire fighting and rescues nowadays.
Fun with Colour Idioms
  • There are idioms using colours to describe people and things in our daily conversation, songs and even nursery rhymes. Come and learn to use the green, red, white, black and blue idioms together.
Idioms about Feelings
  • By watching John and his friends playing a football match, pupils can hear and learn some useful idioms to express their feelings, such as being happy, upset, angry, afraid, worried and nervous.
What Went Wrong?
  • Agent Peter and Agent Mary have to find a man who stole an important E-file. During their search, they keep missing the places and buildings.
Going for an Interview
  • Samuel and Agnes have to attend an interview with secondary school teachers in the hope of being admitted to the schools they want to study in. They want to succeed in the interview and therefore they make a lot of preparations such as good and clear answers to those commonly asked questions, and portfolios of their achievements and academic results. With the help of Jeff the Online Wizard, Samuel and Agnes also know how to communicate effectively during the interview and how to improve their interviewing skills after it. Come and check out the tips Jeff gives them.
When I Grow Up
  • Miss Davis asks her class to do an oral presentation on the topic “When I Grow Up”. At first, Agnes cannot think of anything to say on this topic. With the teacher’s help and tips on organising ideas, Agnes delivers a good presentation. Her classmates Samuel and Joshua also have their big dreams to share. In preparing the content of their joint presentation, they go on the Internet to look for information, discuss ways to make their presentation more interesting, practise the script and use cue cards to remind themselves of the key points. What are their dreams and wishes?
What Is Your Sign?
  • Do you believe in zodiac signs? Some people believe that the twelve zodiac signs represent different characters of people. One day when Ella and Daniel are reading their horoscopes, they are iced up by the Master of Signs. He wants Ella and Daniel to help him understand more about the personalities of people under the twelve signs so that he can find the best sign to be the next Master of Signs. What do Ella and Daniel do to help?
The Mermaid
  • Hera, a beautiful mermaid, longs for human life above the sea. She even falls in love with a human- Prince Eric. Her dream and her love for him cause her much pain. She leaves home and gives her lovely voice to the Witch of the Sea in exchange for a pair of legs. In human form, Hera meets Prince Eric again. However, he has to marry Princess Gloria. Hera is desperate. Will she kill the Prince to get her eternal life back as a mermaid? What gives Hera the power to stand all the pain? Is it love?
Eating Like a Bird
  • Have you heard people using idioms in their conversations? What’s an idiom? An idiom is a group of words that has a special meaning different from what each separate word means. To understand an idiom, you have to use some imagination. The programme title “Eating Like a Bird” is an idiom that means someone who eats very little. In the programme, Haley and Jenny will bring you to a restaurant, a classroom and a toy shop to learn more about idioms using the names of animals, birds and insects.
Around Hong Kong in Seven Days
  • Make simple suggestions
  • Give simple instructions
  • Talk about some scenic spots in Hong Kong
The Magic Map
  • Talk about directions
  • Draw attention to things related to camping like the compass, the torch and describe them briefly
  • Develop an awareness of repetitions and rhyming patterns in English