Library Studies

Subject Introduction

  • To equip students with the general reading skills and information searching techniques.
  • To develop students' reading habits through the fun of reading.
  • To enhance students' language abilities and broaden their life experience by reading more educational and positive books.

Subject Activities

Parent-child Reading Award Scheme
  • In order to help students develop good reading habits, our school has launched the Parent-child Reading Award Scheme. It also provides a good opportunity for parents to read with their children. To maximize the effectiveness of the scheme, students are awarded upon reading a certain number of books. In the end, the scheme can be successfully completed and the students are actively participating. Those students with excellent performance will be awarded certificates and prizes.
eRead Scheme
  • The school has subscribed a great number of e-books for students. The purpose of the scheme is to arouse their interest in reading and cultivate a reading culture. It also provides flexible modes for students to read online.
Morning Reading Programme
  • Morning Reading Programme takes place at 8:00-8:20am from Monday to Friday. Before the lessons start, students read books with teachers in the classroom. The purpose of the programme is to build good reading habits of students.
  • The activity of the BookCrossing is to allow students to exchange books with each other. The purpose is to promote students' active reading and also increase the amount of books read by students. Before ParentsDay, students who donate books will receive Book Exchange Vouchers, which can be redeemed for books on ParentsDay.
Library Activities across the Curriculum
  • Various cross-curricular reading activities are held, so as to broaden studentsknowledge, such as ‘Library weeks on the Chinese Cultural Day’, books sharing at different festival days and providing subjects books for Project Learning.