General Studies


  • Provides diversified learning experiences for students, so that they can gain a better understanding of themselves, the society, the country and the world.
  • Arouses students' interests in learning, enables them to learn effectively and use generic skills to enquire issues related to science, technology and society.
  • Cultivates positive values and attitudes for healthy personal and social developments.
  • Implementation of integrated lessons which include activities of thinking strategies and project learning skills.


Subject Activities

  • Integrated lessons: Implement integrated courses for grades 1 to 6, focusing on thinking strategy training and thematic research skills to enhance students' thinking and general abilities.
  • Lunch Broadcast and Campus TV: Implement " Lunch Broadcast and Campus TV," allowing students to report news with journalistic value through broadcast or short video formats.
  • Bring Your Own Device (BYOD): Implement the BYOD program for P.4 to P.6, enhancing students' ability to learn independently.

Student Workshops:

  • Innovation and Technology Course(2023-2024)
  • Glider Flying Competition (2023-2024)
  • P4 STEAM Class Activities(2023-2024)

Educational visits (2023-2024)

P.1: Kowloon Park cum Planting Activity
P.2: Hong Kong Science Museum
P.3: Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens (Botanical Garden)
P.4: Heritage of Mei Ho House (HMHH) Museum
P.5: Hong Kong Space Museum
P.6: Court of Final Appeal; Hong Kong Palace Museum

STEM Learning Day

  • Carry out interdisciplinary STEM learning activities during post-exam activities, incorporating hands-on creation and problem-solving elements, and encouraging students to engage in practical and exploratory activities.

Student Environmental Protection Ambassadors