
Subject Introduction

Overall Aims of Music Curriculum
  • Develop creativity, critical thinking and communication skills, and nurture aesthetic sensitivity and cultural awareness;
  • Develop arts skills, construct knowledge, and cultivate positive values and attitudes;
  • Gain delight, enjoyment and satisfaction through participating in arts activities; and
  • Pursue a lifelong interest in the arts.
Learning Targets
  • Developing Creativity and Imagination
    -Develop music ideas and acquire creating skills, together with performing and listening, to cultivate creativity and imagination;
  • Developing Music Skills and Processes
    -Develop performing skills to experience and express music, with emphasis on cultivating music imagination and musicality in practice;
  • Cultivating Critical Responses in Music
    -Comprehend, respond to and appraise music so as to nurture aesthetic sensitivity and awareness; and
  • Understanding Music in Context
    -Understand the functions of music and the relationship between music and cultures.

Subject Activities

Composers Program
  • Appreciate the music of the great composer and introduce its background to let students know different great composers. For example: Mozart, Beethoven, Saint-Sang, etc.
Internal Music Activities
  • Recorder School Team
  • Handchime School Team
  • School Choir
  • Little Music Bean
  • African Drum
  • Morning Music Appreciation
External Music Activities
  • Hong Kong Schools’ Music Festival
Rhythm Program
  • In P.1-2, the rhythm program is promoted to enhance students' sense of rhythm.
Composing Program
  • In P.3-4, the creative program is promoted to enhance students' creativity.
Music Appreciation Program
  • In P.5-6, the appreciation program is promoted to enhance students' ability to enjoy music by themselves.
Performance Program
  • In P.4-6, the performance program is promoted to enhance students to perform confidently using traditional musical instruments and electronic devices.